Road Trip!!!
Earlier this year I answered a "call for artists" from the Elisabeth Jones Art Center in Portland Oregon. Their rather ambitious goals start by creating a two foot by one-mile, free-standing painting, a panorama that includes images from each mile of the California, Oregon and Washington coastline. Each artist is charged with painting a panel in an area of their choosing on a two foot by 4 foot wooden panel. My area of choice was Salt Point on the Northern Sonoma Coast. The other goals of the project are:
To create a system of ocean observers, so any untoward action on the ocean or its accompanying landscape will not go unnoticed.
To create a financially self-sustaining foundation for artists.
To generate money to create formats that foster critical discussion, as well as provide grants for appropriate groups and individuals.
My application to paint Salt Point was accepted and I was also asked to take on Stewart's Point. While I have hundreds of images in my photo library geotagged for Salt Point, I only had one tagged for Stewart's Point. I had intended to visit both to take more photos and sketch there, but then I fell and broke my wrist in late February. This threw a major monkey wrench into my plans, but I was able to complete both paintings in time for them to dry and be varnished.
Tomorrow we leave on a road trip to drive them to Portland and enjoy some sites along the way.